This annual Table Rock Fellowship Men's Ministry event is for men interested in the warmth of fellowship around a fire, solitude on the bluff of a wilderness lake, and the grandeur of wilderness scenery at Lake Isherwood in Sky Lakes Wilderness! This event will take place Aug 21st-24th. This trip is designed for men (and young men) who enjoy fellowship, exploration, fun, food, worship, the Word, fishing, and huckleberry picking! Men must be willing and able to pack gear on themselves, food on donkeys, and hike into the mountains for 2.5-3.5 hours (one-way). The Cold Springs Trailhead is on the east side of the Pacific Crest and is an evenly-sloped trail, without major inclines. Men come home refreshed, renewed in mind, body and soul. Click below, or go to our Activity Center at church, for more information!
men's ministry: Annual Event - Pack Trip