Missional Meal Reminder: March 2025

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Our Mexico Mission Team is planning to join Helping Hands International and YWAM again in 2025 to build new homes for families in need.  Like prior years, we expect this Summer project to be a special blessing as our team connects with young children, fellowships with one another, and joins other Christian Mission teams from other parts of the globe.  Praise the LORD for an opportunity to serve Him by loving others through the sharing of God's word and practical needs like shelter!  If you would like more information about this opportunity, please contact Lori Vail or email us at answers@tablerockfellowship.org.

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." 

- Psalm 91:1

Missions Message: Pastor Edwin

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Missional Meal Reminder: February 2025

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Missional Meals

Table Rock Fellowship highlights a missional partner for our monthly Missional Meal, which is a one-time fundraiser designed to increase awareness of our brothers and sisters in Christian ministry who are doing the good work of sharing the gospel through practical means (e.g. food, shelter, recovery programs etc.).

In January 2025, Table Rock Fellowship featured U-Turn for Christ and was able to raise funds to support of their on-going ministry.

Thank you for your generous gifts to strengthen this Christian outreach!


SUMMER 2024: Africa Recap

  • May: Dennis and Lori Vail, along with Pam Wilson are making a trek to Africa (May 27 - June 13, 2024) visiting our ministry partners: Denford and Shingie Chizanga of Africa Development Mission in Zimbabwe, Pastor Edwin Thera of Christian Pentecostal Church in Malawi, Open Arms Village in Kenya, and Dan and Susan Kabugo, Directors of Sonshine Christian School and the Rural Uganda Project in Uganda.
  • June: Danny and Marianne Swanson, Jamie Schell, Kent Miller and Chris Koehler are heading to Mexico in June to do another home build with Helping Hands International!

Thank you for praying these teams as they journey to challenging places to share the love of Jesus and be an encouragement to people all along the way. Stay tuned for a sharing of their stories with the congregation upon their return!

partnerships: Global Outreach

For the fame of His name among the nations.

  • partners

    Advancing the gospel to the least reached.

  • pioneer bible translators

    Missionaries from the Rogue Valley, work with minority people groups in the Nile region of Africa to help them encounter Jesus through language development, literacy, and Bible translation.

  • africa development mission

    Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Zimbabwe and neighboring countries through church planting, leadership training, discipleship, and community development.

  • Helping hands international

    Sharing the love of God by bringing help and hope to hurting people.

  • rural uganda

    Building homes for faithful believers in remote villages in Uganda. 

  • open arms international

    Rescuing children and doing whatever it takes to provide the care, love and attention they need to thrive.

  • engineering ministries international

    Designing a world of hope.

  • Pastor Edwin Thera

    Serving people by planting churches, holding evangelistic outreaches, leadership and discipleship training,  and assisting communities with their physical needs.

partnerships: Local Outreach

Table Rock Fellowship not only works to make Jesus known around the globe but also serves as a light in our own backyard, Jackson County, Oregon.  Below are a list of our local partnerships as well as a link to our church Pantry, which provides food assistance, weekly, bi-monthly and on a temporary basis for shut-ins.

  • medford gospel mission

    Ending homelessness through long term restoration programs.

  • the pregnancy center

    An informed choice is a healthy choice.

    Providing hope, information and hope for the future.

  • Youth 71:5 - votech

    A Biblically based real-life ministry that offers: vocational training, life skills, transitional housing for young adults, most coming out of the juvenile justice system.

  • westside compassionate ministries

    A ministry reaching out to kids in the Washington Elementary School area here in Medford.  Providing an after school program Bible Club for elementary kids.