Men's Ministry

Taking the land with strength and courage. Table Rock Men’s Ministry exists to reach into the lives of men, equipping them to “take the land.” As Joshua and his men took the promised land, so we as the men of Table Rock, seek to “take the land” of our lives. Through men’s breakfasts, Bible studies, and events, Table Rock Men’s Ministry is “taking the land with strength and courage.”

Featured Event

Fun for the Whole Family Archery Night!

Join us for a super fun night at Dewclaw Archery in Central Point! We are renting the whole facility just for us and our friends! Click HERE to signup!

This event is brought to you by the TRF Men's Ministry, but ALL are welcome, regardless of experience level. 

All equipment will be provided but if you want to bring your own, you can!

We will have instructors on hand for the beginners so come try something new! 

There will even be an amazing "virtual hunt" with an interactive video where you compete for the best hit.

Spaces are limited so register quickly and we'll see you at the shoot!

WEekly breakfast

Every Tuesday @ 6:00 - 7:15 a.m., Table Rock Fellowship Cafe

Men, join us for breakfast, conversation and a survey through the scriptures.  Before we enter into our study, we take time to share, pray, and worship.  Come prepared to engage in meaningful study and dialogue.  On campus in the Cafe.

WEEKLY Book studies

We gather in smaller groups to study books together. Use the button below to learn more.

  • Monday - Morning Coffee (offsite) @ 6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m., Bible Book Study (Steve Allen), Coed Study @ 6:30 p.m.-8:30 a.m. (CC1), Systematic Theology (Daniel Joseph & Lon Taylor), Discipleship Groups
  • Tuesday - Men's Breakfast @ 6 a.m.-7:30 a.m. (Cafe), Acts of the Apostles (Randy McCord), Small Group Study @ 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (CC2), Deeper Sermon Study (Bob Hill), Life Groups (Plus: White Paper Studies - 2nd Tuesday only)
  • Wednesday - Book Study @ 6 a.m.-7:30 a.m. (CC2), Book or Subject (Bobby Baugh), Coed Small Group Study (CC2) @ 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m., Bible Book Study (Randy McCord)
  • Friday - Small Group Study @ Noon-2 p.m. (CC1), Bible Book Study (Paul Wesner)
  • Special Series - Sexual Purity (Mike Williams & Greg Castle), Men In The Gates Bible Study (Steve Allen)

Current Studies

Have questions or need more help?

Contact us at and Pastor Bobby Baugh will get back to you shortly.